政法类 公办 专科(高职)
Anhui Police Vocational College
Public College of Politics and Law (Higher Vocational College)
Anhui Police Vocational College is one of the first higher vocational colleges approved by Anhui Provincial People's Government in June 2000. It was established on the basis of the former Anhui Provincial Judicial School, Anhui Provincial Police Officer School and Anhui Provincial Political and Legal Cadre School.
According to the official website of the university in May 2018, the college is divided into two campuses, the east and the west, covering an area of 309.07 mu, with a total construction area of 20,940 square meters, teaching equipment and equipment worth 63,443 million yuan, teaching, research and auxiliary rooms covering 67,433 square meters, and the library covering 17,047 square meters. It has a collection of 380,000 paper books and a total digital resource of 20,480GB. There are 365 teaching and administrative staff in total, and more than 7500 full-time students in higher vocational colleges. The teaching unit consists of five departments and three departments. In 2017, it enrolled 22 majors.
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